Eletreomiografia (EMG)
- The use of surface electromyography in biomechanics - Carlo J. De Luca The lecture will explore the various uses of Surface Electromyography in the field of Biomechanics. Three groups of applications are considered; those involving: 1) the activation timing of muscles, 2) the force/EMG signal relationship, and 3) the use of the EMG signal as a fatigue index.
- Eletromiografia - Mapeamento Muscular
- c3d File Format - c3d.org "This is a standard PDF version of the C3D technical implementation manual and is identical to the version described above. This PDF file can be printed and redistributed with any C3D application."
- Eletromiografia - Fundamentos Electromyography is the study of muscle function based on the examination and analysis of the electrical signals that emanate from the muscles.
- KAD - Knee Alignment Device The purpose of the MLS Knee Alignment Device (also known as a “KAD”) is to allow the VICON Clinical Manager software application from Oxford Metrics Ltd., (VCM) to automatically establish the knee flexion axis during a static trial.
- Laboratory Construction The following is a list of general guidelines that Motion Lab Systems recommends for consideration when a 3D Gait or Motion Analysis laboratory is built or planned. This document is intended as a guide only although it draws on our experience of helping plan and setup more than thirty labs in the last ten years. Remember that every lab is different and that a solution that works well in one laboratory will not necessarily work well in another environment.
- The ABC of EMG - Peter Konrad A Practical Introduction to Kinesiological Electromyography.
- Laboratory Construction Guidelines These Vicon MX Laboratory Construction Guidelines illustrate how to prepare a life sciences laboratory for installation of your new Vicon MX motion measurement and analysis system.
- Peak Motus - General recommendantions for a gait lab
- Plug in Gait biomechanical modelling
- Plug In Gait and the Knee Alignment Device
Mega Elektroniikka Oy.:
Motion Lab Systems, Inc.:
Motion Capture Systems
Vicon Motion Systems:
VCM - Vicon Clinical Manager:
- VCM - Joint Centers Descrição, baseada no VCM User's Guide, das definições dos segmentos (pelve, coxa, perna e pé) e centros articulares (quadril, joelho e tornozelo) dos membros inferiores.
Autor: Wagner de Godoy
Force Plates
- Código em Fortran que permite o cálculo das coordenadas dos cantos de plataformas de força PROGRAM LABCOORD.FOR C========================================================================== C C Programmer: Andrew Dainis 5-DEC-88 C C This program will calculate the X,Y coordinates of four points given the C the six distances between the points which are assumed to lie in a plane. C Point 1 is made the coordinate system origin, and point 2 is placed on the C Y-axis. The measurements S12, S13, S14, S23, S24, S34 are assumed to be C entered in that order and the first five are used to compute the point C coordinates. The sixth distance is computed from the first five, and C should agree with the measured distance between points 3 and 4. C Points are order clockwise. C C========================================================================== Este material histórico foi gentilmente cedido por Mr. Edmund Cramp, que desenvolveu uma versão em linguagem Pascal. {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} { Pascal Translation of LABCOORD.FOR by Andrew Dainis 5-DEC-88 ---------------} { "A good programmer can write FORTRAN programs in any language." ------------} {-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Nota: Ambos os arquivos, LABCOORD.FOR e LABCOORD.PAS, podem ser lidos no MS-Notepad.
- General Force Platform Mounting Instructions
- Force plate instalation
- Mounting plate gluing instructions - Adhesive
- Mounting plate gluing instructions - Epoxy
- Force Plate Formulae
- Data Acquisition (DAQ) and Analysis System for Biomechanics
- Installation and Maintenance of all Types of Force Plates for Biomechanics
- Portable multicomponent force plate - Type 9260AA...
- Portable multicomponent force plate - Type 9286B...